Hi, I'm Georgiana

UX designer with a twist of digital marketing in my expertise. I specialize in merging creativity with strategic thinking to craft design solutions that deliver both business value and a great user experience.

heart illustration pointing towards my work

Family Bedtime Tribe

tags regarding the family bedtime tribe project

Read along my challenges and journey steps of building a website for a child sleep consultant.

See this project
family bedtime tribe mockup and a mobile GIF

Foodies App

foodies GIF on a mobile frame

Foodies is a recipe management app that helps you create, find and organize all your recipes in a single place. It also gives you the tools to plan your meals and create organized shopping lists.

See this project
foodies mobile GIF

Expats App

tags regarding the expats app project

Expats is a relocation app that helps people throughout their migration process and allows them to setup a new life in a new country with ease and convenience.

See this project
expats app mobile GIF